Welcome to the General Practice Information Point - GPIP.
The purpose of the GPIP is to give you, a member of the General Practice team, access to information, guidelines and training to help you in your day to day role. All of these resources can be accessed through subject specific links and have been provided by subject matter experts.
GPIP is hosted, not owned, by Leeds GP Confederation. It is a resource centre for and by members of General Practice. If you have any queries regarding the content on the website please contact us on leeds.confed@nhs.net

The aim of The GPIP, is to bring all our primary care team together in one place. Sharing information and best practice as one resource. I hope GPIP will help you in your day to day work. And that it will save time and become an integral resource for all in General Practice.
Sarah O’Donnell
RN BSc PGC Adv Practice IP Queen’s Nurse
Strategic Lead for Primary Care and Integration and Founder of GPIP
Leeds GP Confederation is continually looking for ways to support and inform our Primary Care colleagues. Sarah and the team have worked hard to develop this webpage to give you easy access to useful resources when you need them.
Julie Beer
Leeds GP Confederation, Lead Nurse
Queen’s Nurse
Sonnet Report: Leading the Way: The role and value of nurses in general practice in England
Target Training
Link to target training, Log in required. TARGET Leeds – Leeds Health and Care Partnership – Primary Care Extranet
Mentoring Support
A reminder that clinicians and leaders working within West Yorkshire General Practice can also access GPMplus mentoring service, which provides 8 hours of fully funded mentoring support. You can find out more about mentoring here.
Vacancy Links
Leeds local medical committee Job page Leeds LMC: Jobs
Please see below the forums available in Leeds for your support and connection with others in your areas of work. If you click the badge it will take you to the page and give more details of when the groups meet and will be populated with other information as needed.
Please do join in and share as everyone is welcome.
Email gil.ramsden@nhs.net to be added to any of the email lists.
GPN RCN – National monthly webinars run jointly with NHSE and NAPC on topics relevant to general practice with opportunities to share best practice and ask questions of your forum, professional lead and other experts. GPN forum Webinars 2022-2023 | Royal College of Nursing (rcn.org.uk)
We’re working to develop more pages to keep you informed and updated. The titles in grey are coming soon and launch dates will be released in due course.
General Information and Resources
General Duties
General Health
Nursing Team Roles
Although every attempt is made to ensure the information we link to is accurate and up to date, Leeds GP Confederation can take no responsibility for the content of these other sites.