Library services for primary care in Leeds are provided by the Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust Library team.

They can be contacted via
The library team provide access to high quality information for all primary care staff through our literature searching service, document supply for books and journal articles, and personalised current awareness service.
Their training courses support staff to search online information resources effectively, critically appraise healthcare literature, and improve awareness of the health literacy needs among our patients.
The library team also support staff health and wellbeing with a leisure collection of books.
You do not need to visit the library to make use of the library services – just email the team via . (Books can be sent out to you at home or at work.)
Useful Quick Links
Leeds Libraries for Health website – the starting point for all your library information needs
Registering or updating your NHS OpenAthens account – to access the electronic resources
Information skills training programme
Contact the library team –