Cancer Care

What is Cancer?

The Changing Story of Cancer

Treatments are Improving Survival

Surviving Cancer Treatment Doesn’t Always Mean Living Well

What is the Role for Primary Care?

Cancer Care Reviews are an opportunity for a patient to have a supported conversation with a member of their Primary Care Team to discuss the wider impact that their cancer diagnosis is having on their life and to work together to create a personalised plan based on their concerns. This consultation should be structured, and GP practices are advised to use the Macmillan Cancer Care Review template to guide the conversation. Cancer Care Reviews in Primary Care | Macmillan Cancer Support

Cancer Care Review

Cancer Care Reviews are an opportunity for a patient to have a supported conversation with a member of their Primary Care Team to discuss the wider impact that their cancer diagnosis is having on their life and to work together to create a personalised plan based on their concerns. This consultation should be structured, and GP practices are advised to use the Macmillan Cancer Care Review template to guide the conversation. Cancer Care Reviews in Primary Care | Macmillan Cancer Support

Training and Education Resources

Here you will find a collection of educational resources – some are websites with free online courses, other links are fee paying courses which are particularly relevant to supporting people living with cancer.

 This toolkit provides a collection of key resources about cancer prevention and diagnosis care relevant for the primary care settings Primary care cancer toolkit: Continued Professional Development Training and Appraisal | Home ( 

Cancer screening and prevention. Suspected cancer, diagnosis and treatment, and living with and beyond cancer. It takes Approx. 30 minutes to complete. Changing Story of Cancer – E-Learning For Health.  

Online Cancer education for health care professionals Online cancer education for healthcare professionals – Cancer digital playbook – NHS Transformation Directorate ( 

The early cancer diagnosis resource  Home – GatewayC 

GPN based resources Resources for practice nurses | Macmillan Cancer Support 

Macmillan Cancer Care GPN course  

Register for account Macmillan Learning Hub ( 

Access Learning for GPN Macmillan ( 

  • The Macmillan GPN Course is a blended learning programme incorporating e-learning, self-directed learning and virtual facilitated sessions. The programme is designed specifically for Practice nurses to enhance their knowledge and skills in cancer care to provide holistic support to people living with and beyond cancer by achieving the following outcomes: 
  • Developing an understanding of cancer and its treatments, recognising cancer as a long-term condition  
  • Enhancing your knowledge, skills, and confidence of the Practice Nurse role to take a more active role in managing cancer as a long-term condition  
  • Exploring how you can become a resource for cancer knowledge for colleagues in the practice setting by providing holistic support to people living with and beyond cancer  
  • Considering and beginning to plan ways in which you can improve and enhance services within your own workplace for people living with cancer