Leeds has made a commitment to be a Marmot City. The Marmot City Programme recognises the relationship between social determinants (also known as building blocks) and poor health. By tackling inequity in housing, education, employment, racism, and more, the Council, in partnership with other public services, the community and business sectors, and local people, will seek to create a city that is fairer and healthier for everyone. This video presents some of the highlights from a speech provided by Professor Sir Michael Marmot at the launch of the Leeds Marmot City Programme. Professor Marmot is a world-renowned epidemiologist, and Director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity, spoke at the launch event for the Leeds Marmot City Programme.
The Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets a clear ambition for Leeds to be a ‘healthy and caring city for all ages, where people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest.’ Healthy Leeds Plan – Leeds Health and Care Partnership (healthandcareleeds.org)
Patient Resources
Leeds City Council public health training videos. YouTube links Leeds Public Health Training
Public Health Resource Centre Public Health Resource Centre (leeds.gov.uk)
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