Wound care involves every stage of wound management. This includes diagnosing wound type, considering factors that affect wound healing, and the proper treatments for wound management. Once the wound is diagnosed and all factors are considered, the treatment facility can determine the best treatment options.
It is also about looking at the patient holistically and determining what is required for them as an individual. This may be using the knowledge in your team or the wider workforce in Leeds.
In Leeds, we support the use of the Leeds Wound Care product list which been developed by clinical staff from across Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust joint dressings group including colleagues from Community Tissue Viability, Acute Tissue Viability, Vascular, Dermatology, Plastics, Orthopaedics, Limb Salvage, Community Podiatry, Medicines Management, Pharmacy, Procurement and Radiology.
The Leeds Wound Care Product list (or the Leeds Wound Care Formulary) can be accessed here via the N3 network and gives examples of which dressings are the most appropriate for use on different wound types based on available clinical evidence and cost effectiveness. The PDF guidance document also covers the following:
- Prevention and Management of Moisture Associated Skin (MASD) Damage guide
- When antimicrobials should be used
- The wound infection framework
- The skin tear protocol
- Suggested first line emollient choices
In Leeds we also have the NHS supply chain for ordering the dressings for wound care.
Clinician Information

Integrated Wound Clinics Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust – Integrated Clinics
Wound care formulary Leeds Wound Formulary
Dressing choice PDF Choose dressing
Tissue Viability Service Tissue Viability Service
Wounds and wound care step by step guide Practice Nurse Journal
Elfh wound care – sign in to access. Wound Care Education for the Health and Care Workforce – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
Leeds Based Information
How to choose the correct dressing How to choose the correct dressing
Wound infection framework Wound infection framework
Wound cleansing guide Wound Cleansing Guide