Pressure Ulcer Prevention 

Over the last 18 months, the Leeds Health and Care Academy has been working in partnership with the Leeds Pressure Ulcer Prevention Improvement Group, a collective of clinical experts employed by various partners, whose purpose is to align the practice and approach to pressure ulcer prevention training, awareness and delivery across health and social care in Leeds.   

Together, we have worked to identify and adopt an eLearning for Health virtual package which was launched earlier this year. The Pressure Ulcer Prevention training is based on national guidance and provides training on how to identify and manage some of the risk factors that can cause pressure ulceration. By adopting a collaborative approach to pressure ulcer prevention training, we can align our practices across the city and ensure the best possible care for our patients and service users.    

I am incredibly proud of how partners have worked together to achieve this progress at a time of relentless pressure across the system. A testament of how we can do things better together in Leeds.

Sheila Sorby Assistant Director of Nursing & Clinical Governance at Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and senior responsible lead for the Pressure Ulcer Prevention project 

The training package is relevant to all health and social care colleagues, volunteers and carers in Leeds who work directly with patients and service users. The training can be accessed for free on the Leeds Health and Care Learning Portal via the button below.   

If you are a manager or OD professional and are interested in implementing the pressure ulcer prevention training package across your organisation, please get in touch with us directly via [email protected].   

The poster below has been created to raise awareness of the free-to-access training. If you would like to download this digital poster to share with colleagues in your teams, please click on the disk icon in the right hand corner of the window below, and click ‘Save’, or alternatively you can access it via this link. 

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Training  

How to create an account on the Leeds Health and Care Academy website  

How to access the Pressure Ulcer Training on LHCA