Leeds Community Dermatology Collaborative – One Year In
In August 2022, Leeds GP Confederation was awarded the five-year Community Dermatology Contract for Leeds on behalf of the Leeds Community Dermatology Collaborative, working with Chevin Medical Practice, OneMedical Group, Street Lane Practice and Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust.
At the Confederation, we designed this Consultant Led partnership around a common vision; better dermatology care centred around the needs of patients, to improve referral routes between primary and secondary care, to make provision more equitable and accessible, and most importantly, to better meet the needs of our local communities.
In Year One of the contract, from August 2022 to July 2023, we achieved our goals of providing Leeds with an excellent dermatology service. You can have a look at our achievements in Year One below, along with feedback from patients who attended the service.
So What’s Next?
- Developing our service. Including auditing Isotretinoin safety, improving access to the service, and improving outcomes for frail patients.
- Growing our own. With a shortage of Dermatology trained staff available we have recruited a number of GPs with interest in Dermatology to train and support this coming year.
- Improving the quality of referrals. Unfortunately, we are still receiving a number of in-appropriate referrals, and referrals without adequate information to clinically triage the patient (e.g., photographs, treatment history etc.)
If you work within Leeds General Practice you can download our handy referral guide here.