Confed Connects – Frailty Session 3

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Confed Connects  –    Lunch & Learn session on Enhanced Frailty Scheme: scheme templates, outcome & experience tools, data collection – Wednesday 6th July 2022

This is the third and final event on Frailty and is scheduled for 6th July 2022, 1pm – 2pm and will be a ‘how to guide’ around the templates and tools that support the local Enhanced Frailty Scheme.

It will be an update on the scheme’s key performance indicators, data collection and use of the new redesigned template.

The session will be of particular interest to those staff and managers involved in delivering the enhanced frailty scheme.
This is a virtual session and is open to all staff working in primary care. There is no need to book. Please add the meeting details to your own calendar and contact for the meeting invite.