Vaccinator Information and Guidance immunisation page Immunisation – GOV.UK ( 

Complete Routine Schedule Complete routine immunisation schedule – GOV.UK ( 

Vaccination of individuals with uncertain/incomplete history Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status – GOV.UK ( 

Patient Group Directive (PGD) NHS England — North East and Yorkshire » Patient Group Directions Yorkshire and the Humber 

Patient Specific Direction Template Patient Specific Direction Template

Rotarix and SCID factsheet Rotarix and SCID factsheet ( 

Free magnet and poster Keep your vaccines healthy poster and magnet – GOV.UK ( 

A visual guide to vaccine poster A visual guide to vaccines – GOV.UK ( 

Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) for Vaccines  

If your enquiry relates to any of the below, please contact the relevant team. 

UKHSA Yorkshire and Humber (formerly Health Protection Team)   Notifiable diseases, post-exposure vaccination and outbreak management.   0113 386 0300   
Travel Vaccination Advice    NathNac - National Travel Health Network and Centre:   Health professional advice line.0845 602 6712   
CHIS (Child Health)   For any scheduling, appointments, waiting lists and recorded immunisation history queries.Contact your local Child Health information system.  
Occupational Health   For any immunisation relating to occupational health please refer to the relevant employer.     
School Aged Adolescent Vaccination Teams    For any queries regarding school leavers boosters or HPV vaccination, including eligible cohorts.Contact your local school immunisation team.
School Aged Flu Vaccination Teams   For any queries regarding the school flu programme.   Contact your local school flu immunisation team.
West Yorkshire Public Health Claims/Contracts Manager     We can assist with payment queries regarding vaccination & immunisation services, via CQRS or Open Exeter  [email protected]   
West Yorkshire Primary Care Team     We can assist with a range of other queries regarding GP services, such as digital & transformation projects, payment queries for other GP services such as minor ops & learning disability checks.   [email protected]   
West Yorkshire Public Health Contracts   We can assist with contracting queries   [email protected]