Type 1 Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious condition where levels of blood glucose are too high. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the cells which make insulin are destroyed, so there is no insulin or very little insulin to let glucose into the cells of the body.  People with type 1 diabetes nearly always need insulin treatment from diagnosis. 

  • Type 1 diabetes is managed within Leeds Teaching Hospitals (LTHT)
  • Not everyone with type 1 diabetes accesses LTHT, encourage them to attend for the specialist support they need. If there are barriers, please help address these.
  • The nine diabetes care processes are undertaken in primary care.


Refer people for clinical care through the diabetes single point of access. Links will be accessible via your clinical system.

Structured Education

It is critical people know how to self-manage their condition. There are national and local offers. The local offers will be more tailored to a person’s needs.


Type 1 diabetes: www.mytype1diabetes.nhs.uk.

This is a free online resource for adults with type 1 diabetes, to improve confidence to self-manage. It is available in 10 different languages.


Type 1 Diabetes: Tailored education is available when the person accesses LTHT. This includes DAFNE (dose adjustment for normal eating) and Confidence with Carbohydrates courses.

First Line Diabetes Advice

Many people value foundation information to understand and manage their condition. There are plenty of resources in different formats.

Diabetes UK https://www.diabetes.org.uk/diabetes-the-basics/types-of-diabetes/type-1

Easy Read

This information is appropriate for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it focuses on self- care. It uses Leeds’s format of easy read. It is for people with a learning disability. It can be helpful for people with low literacy or where English is not a person’s first language.

Professional Advice

NICE national clinical guideline for type 1 diabetes https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng17

Leeds Specific Advice

  • Diabetes Careline: 0113 206 5068 (Monday to Sunday 8:30am – 4:00pm, including Bank Holidays except Christmas Day). This is for professionals and patients under LTHT diabetes care. Ring this number for clinical queries. This is not an urgent line, and it is not guaranteed that we will return the call the same day although we aim to.
  • Leeds Diabetes Limb Salvage Service (Diabetes Foot Team) – For Urgent Advice/Referrals, please contact us on 07786 250788 (Mon-Friday 8 am to 3 pm). This is for professionals and patients under this service. Contact this service if a person has a foot ulcer or a red-hot foot.
  • General Enquiries: 0113 206 5068 (Monday to Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm, excluding Bank Holidays)

All Brief Queries

Blood Glucose Technology (continuous glucose monitoring, insulin pumps)

People with type 1 diabetes have access to continuous glucose monitoring technology to support their care. Some will have also access to insulin pump treatment in line with national guidance. These require the person to attend LTHT. Here their options can be discussed.

Clinician Resources 

To see the full range of FREE booklets we have available, please go to: 

Independent diabetes trust resources  https://www.iddt.org/publications

Patient Information

Diabetes resources – child Diabetes resources for children and young people (leedsth.nhs.uk)

Type 1 diabetes support NHS Type 1 diabetes – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

What is type 1 diabetes About type 1 diabetes – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation  JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Information and Support – JDRF, type 1 diabetes charity

Young people and family support Home – DigiBete

Manage type 1 patient learning online. MyType1 Diabetes England | My Type 1 Diabetes