Seasonal Guidance

Seasonal vaccinations are any vaccination that is given at particular point in the year based on risk. These vaccines usually give protection for the months covering the season. The UK ones we have are the Flu and Covid vaccines.  

Main page seasonal vaccines information NHS England » Seasonal vaccination invitation 


National protocol Flu Inactivated influenza vaccine: national protocol – GOV.UK ( 

Vaccine guidance from British Islamic Medical Association  Flu Vaccination Guidance 2023 – BIMA ( 

Competency book for new to Flu UKHSA-flu-immunisation-training-recommendations-2022-to-2023-appendix-C.pdf ( 

Patient information Flu vaccine Flu vaccine – NHS ( 


Covid vaccine programme information COVID-19 vaccination programme – GOV.UK ( 

Covid vaccine training set COVID-19 vaccination training slide set 

Covid e-learning link COVID-19 vaccination e-learning programme 

Covid vaccines competency assessment tool COVID-19: vaccinator competency assessment tool 

Covid vaccine easy-read consent form COVID-19 vaccination: easy-read consent form for adults – GOV.UK ( 

Patient Resources and Translation

Link for translation SMS to invite as below flu-covid-vaccination-translations.docx ( 

Translated vaccination letters Covid-19 and Flu  NHS England » Seasonal vaccination invitation letters – translations  

Child Flu Invitation 

You can now book your 2-3 year old’s free NHS flu vaccine appointment by contacting their GP surgery. It is given as a quick and painless spray up the nose. Flu can be serious, hospitalising around 6,000 under 5s last year, so make sure your child is protected by booking their flu vaccine appointment. For more information, go to