Nursing Teams & Preceptorship

This page has been developed to assist nursing team members who are new to Primary Care. You will find links to useful resources and information that can support you as you develop and embed your new role in practice. 

General Practice Nurse

Nurses looking to start a role in General Practice can now undertake a three-month module to gain a better understanding of the role and assist with applications to general practice nursing. CNO002 Discovering a Nursing Career in General Practice | Health Education England

Preceptorship Contact 

If you are planning, recruiting or have recently employed a GPN who is newly qualified, returning after a break, or new to General Practice contact Rhian Last, GPN Facilitation Lead for advice and support: [email protected] 

Information on the National Preceptorship Framework for Nursing (launched in October 2022):

Competency frameworks

HEE Core Competences Framework Report template

RCGP General Practice Nurse Competencies RCGP-General-Practice-Nurse-competencies-2015.pdf

Practical Document to Support the Professional Development of a GPN New in Post

Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) Standards of Education and Practice for Nurses Standards of Education and Practice for Nurses New to General Practice Nursing

Useful publication: 

A Nurses’ Survival Guide to General Practice Nursing – Karen Storey and Rhian Last (available at all major book sites – all proceeds go to the Cavell Nurses’ Trust). Copies are also available to loan from Leeds Libraries for Health 

Safe Surgeries Resource:

The new ‘Safe Surgeries’ resource provides recommendations for Integrated Care Boards and primary care commissioners to deliver initial health assessment and ongoing access to primary care for residents in initial and contingency Home Office accommodation. The toolkit aims to ensure equality in access to services and improved long-term health outcomes for people seeking asylum, minimising health inequalities and encouraging collaborative working with accommodation providers and other local stakeholders.

Access to health for people seeking asylum in contingency accommodation Toolkit-for-ICBs-and-PC-commissioners-access-to-healthcare-for-asylum-accommodation-DOTW-2023.pdf

Voluntary Standards of New GPNs  

The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has published new voluntary standards of education and practice for nurses who are embarking on a career in General Practice Nursing. The new standards have been designed to provide a contemporary and structured overview of expected best practice, standards and guidance for nurses at the beginning of the General Practice Nursing career pathway. The standards also aim to give guidance to education providers developing introductory GPN programmes and Specialist Practitioner Qualification (SPQ) programmes   

Voluntary Standards for New GPNs – The Queen’s Nursing Institute

Clinical help Clinical CRAFT Cards – Issues and Answers

Links to sign up to! 

Vaccine Update Newsletter Follow the link to sign up to the newsletter e-Bug  

Leeds Nursing Teams Database Email [email protected] with your place of work and job role, to be added to the distribution lists for Leeds Nursing teams info. 

QNI resources General Practice Nursing Resources – The Queen’s Nursing Institute

Induction Template for New to Practice GPN’s

Useful templates

General Practice Nurse Induction Template – The Queen’s Nursing Institute


Health Care Assistant

HEE HCA Care CertificateCare Certificate | Health Education England

Care Certificate Standards The Care Certificate | 11 Standards for Care | authored by Skills for Health

Care Certificate Elearning Care Certificate – elearning for healthcare

Care Certificate toolkitDigital Team – Care certificate toolkit – All Documents

Nursing Associate

Nursing Associate curriculum framework Nursing Associate Curriculum Framework Feb2017_0.pdf