Mens health relates to areas of physical or mental health which a man may encounter in their lifetime.
Keeping well, support for health and care staff Men’s Health :: Keeping Well
NICE men’s health specialities Men’s health | Specialities | CKS | NICE
NICE domestic violence men Domestic violence and abuse | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE
Men’s health clinical guidance Men’s Health | clinical Guidelines summaries
MIMS men’s health training Men’s health learning plan – MIMS Learning
Patient Resources
Patient info men’s health Men’s Health | Patient
Testicular cancer Testicular Cancer | Signs, Symptoms and Treatment | Patient
Depression Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | Patient
Erectile dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Causes, Treatment, and Diagnosis | Patient
Eating disorders What triggers eating disorders in men? – | Patient
Forum Central Men’s Health unlocked Men’s Health Unlocked – Forum Central
Barca Leeds Men’s health unlocked Men’s Health Unlocked – Digital Inclusion for Men | Barca-Leeds
BHI men’s health & wellbeing Men’s health and wellbeing Leeds, Black Health Initiative
Leeds Older Peoples Forum- men’s health unlocked Men’s Health Unlocked – Leeds Older People’s Forum
Men’s health common questions Men’s health – NHS
People living with HIV sexual health charity Home | Terrence Higgins Trust
TransActual information for trans people Trans healthcare – info for UK based trans people — TransActual
Transgender care Transgender care
NHS population screening :information for trans and non binary people NHS population screening: information for trans and non-binary people – GOV.UK
Trans healthcare Trans healthcare – ethical topic – GMC
Men in Health Resources Leeds – Men in Health
For more information about these services, or any other service that you may be seeking, phone/text/email Ali on 07733 715814 or and he will be able to direct you to services, activities and organisations across West Yorkshire
Leeds Survivor-Led Crisis Service (LSLCS) Dial House Crisis Support
LSLCS is a mental health charity offering out-of-hours support to people in an acute mental health crisis. The Crisis Service is open 6pm–2am on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Phone: 0113 2609328Text: 07922249452
Dial House @Touchstone Crisis Support
Dial House @Touchstone is a partnership between Leeds Survivor Led Crisis Service (LSLCS) and the mental health charity, Touchstone. It provides out-of-hours crisis services to people from BME groups in an acute mental health crisis. Phone: 0113 249 4675 Text: 07763 581 853
Touchstone Wellbean Café Crisis Support
The Touchstone Wellbean Cafe is open 7 nights a week from 6pm-12am. They are currently operating all 1-1 supports over the phone and face to face support via Zoom which can be downloaded free of charge on any android phone.
Andy’s Man Club
Andy’s Man Club offers real, non-judgmental, talking groups for men aged 18+. The charity is based nationally across the UK. They meet every Monday at 7pm (except bank holidays).
Leeds Dads
Leeds Dads is a Leeds based voluntary organisation that brings together a diverse community of fathers for social activities and support.
Man About Town
Man About Town aims to inspire and encourage men in Leeds who may be socially isolated and at risk of suicide to engage back in the wider community through a series of creative, practical and fun sessions including both music and the digital arts.
Men’d is a service for men aged 18 and over, living, working in or connected to Horsforth who may be socially isolated, at risk of or experiencing thoughts of suicide.
Men’s Health Support Phoneline
Are you struggling and don’t know where to turn? Give Men’s Health a call. They offer confidential and understanding initial support and advice, they can also link you up with projects and services that will be able to help you further. The support line is available Monday-Thursday 9.30am-4.30pm on 07435 919837
Men’s Health Unlocked Network
Men’s Health Unlocked has a directory of activities for men.
MindWell is the mental health website for people in Leeds, with information about support in the city and different ways to take care of your mental wellbeing.
Offload – Rugby League Cares
The Offload project involves men engaging with current and former players to learn the techniques clubs use to manage players’ mental and physical fitness. Leeds: Tuesdays 7pm – Headingley Stadium, LS6 3BR.