General Practice and System Working

Understanding the systems and processes in place that provide a foundation to service delivery in General Practice is essential knowledge for general practice nursing team members in order to fully appreciate how General Practice surgeries function and the remit of their work. This page contains links to useful resources and information.

Primary Care NHS England » Primary care

Primary Care Networks NHS England » Primary care networks

GP Contract NHS England » GP Contract

Understanding the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QoF) QOF 2021-22 | NHS Digital

Practice result search for Qof QOF search | NHS Digital

Investment and Impact Fund (IIF) NHS England » Investment and Impact Fund

Directed Enhanced Services NHS England » Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES)

General Practice NHS Latest updates NHS England » Latest updates

Wider teams in Leeds

What’s an Integrated Care Board?

The role of the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board is to join up health and care services, improve people’s health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities. About us :: West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership

Leeds Local Plan Leeds Local Plan :: West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership

Leeds Health and Care Academy

Working on behalf of the entire Leeds health and care sector. Home – Leeds Health and Care Academy

Digital Resources

Digital First NHS England » Digital First Primary Care

Understanding Population Based Health

SHAPE atlas SHAPE | Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation

The Bigger Picture

NHS Long Term Plan NHS Long Term Plan » Primary care

Commissioning NHS commissioning