Meet the Enhanced Access Operations Team

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Leeds GP Confederation’s (the Confed) Operations Teams delivers our Enhanced Access (EA) service, providing appointments on evenings and weekends for 17 Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in Leeds.

We currently employ just under 400 active workers within EA, so guaranteeing compliance while also keeping up to our clinically excellent standards, ensuring great governance and achieving an ‘Outstanding’ CQC rating is a huge feat. This is thanks to our brilliant Operations team, made up of the below:

Admin & Rota Co-ordinator x 3

The first point contact for stakeholders and hub staff during office hours. The co-ordinators are responsible for rota management on Systmone, as well as Lantum management, such as publishing and allocating shifts and seeking cover.

They answer all staff queries, including managing and assigning the Confed’s training services.

Deputy Operational Team Leader (DOTL) x 3

Our DOTLs are on call and on site for all evening and weekend EA shifts, which means they are the first point of call for any issues or queries. As a vital part of the Operations team, they build strong and positive relationships with staff working within the service, from ensuring new staff are compliant and supporting them through site inductions at practice, to assisting existing staff with statutory & mandatory requirements.

They also provide training to practices on how to use the EA service to best serve primary care, and make sure all 18 hub sites are properly stocked.

Operational Team Leaders (OTL) x 3

Each OTL has a cohort of PCN’s that they manage EA delivery for. Creating and maintaining strong relationships with PCN leads and Clinical Directors to build a bespoke EA service specific to the individual PCN. They oversee finance and delivery models, providing monthly and quarterly reports to the PCN on their EA service.

They have a strong focus on shared learning, managing all patient feedback as well as complaints and Datix received within the Confed. Working with spoke site practice managers they also manage all hub compliance.

Access Service Delivery Manager

Our Access Service Delivery Manager oversees the Operations Team, supporting all external and internal relationships to make sure that EA is actively helping to build a resilient general practice in Leeds.  

The Access Service Delivery Manager reviews all processes, working alongside specific leads to manage hub Health & Safety and Infection Prevention Control. She also serves as a liaison with the Confed executive team, keeping them informed of EA developments.

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Our COO is also our CQC Registered Manager. The COO is ultimately accountable for the operational delivery of EA, CQC compliance and contract adherence, ensuring we are delivering high quality care, meeting the needs of our patients and members and supporting with general practice resilience.

Recruitment Officer

Our recruitment officer is responsible for all Confed recruitment other internal and external, and with almost 400 staff it is a huge responsibility! This includes advertisement of roles, applicant and interview management and onboarding.

Clinical Lead Support Team

The clinical team are vastly important, offering vital knowledge and support to wider team as subject matter experts.  Including ensuring compliance and assurance, carrying out regular and ad hoc audits and supporting with any complaints, concerns and Datix received.

The team includes GP, Nurse, ANP/ACP, HCA, Pharmacist, MSK leads.

Find out what a week in the life of our Operations Team is like here.