Placement Blog by Noor-e Arsh
Over the past eight weeks Leeds GP Confederation have been hosting Noor-e Arsh, General Management Trainee from the NHS Graduate Training Scheme. Here’s what Noor-e had to say about her time on placement.

My time with the Confed has been amazing, I have had the best time learning about the organisation and getting to know the team! From my first day the team have been so welcoming and helpful. Given that I joined at a busy time with Care Quality Commission (CQC) prep going on, the team still supported me in settling in.
I was keen to learn more about primary and community care which is why I chose to come to the Confed for my flexi placement. I am glad I did as I have been able to get exposure to the day-to-day operational tasks, as well as working on the Health & Safety audit. All of this has shown me how the Confed improves the health of people in Leeds through their multiple services, such as Enhanced Access, Community Ambulatory Paediatric Service (CAPS) and Community Dermatology Service.
What I am proud of achieving during this placement is completing the Health & Safety audit in a timely manner. I am grateful for all the support from the team during this as there was a lot of documentation to collate. We got there in the end! This really highlighted to me the importance of teamwork and liaising with others to meet targets. Keeping everyone up to date and having regular meetings helped to keep the project on track.

A highlight from the placement has got to be the team development session and General Practice Assembly. It was lovely to meet people from the team in person during the development session and share improvement ideas. Attending the General Practice Assembly was useful in learning what is really happening in the Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and how the Confed takes these views into consideration to best support them.
My time at the Confed has helped me to develop and learn new skills. The key learning I will take from my eight weeks and apply to the rest of my graduate scheme is teamwork and leadership styles. It has been really positive to see how well the team work together and are comfortable in communicating and raising anything with the managers. Establishing this regular communication is definitely something I will apply to my next placement!
I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone at the Confed, it’s been a great experience!
Noor-e Arsh, General Management Trainee