Measles Action Cards

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The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Yorkshire and Humber have recently circulated communications and guidance to acute trusts and primary care following a rise in the number of confirmed Measles cases both within Yorkshire and Humber and nationally during the first part of 2023. Children and young adults continue to be susceptible to infection due to a gap in immunity, contributed to by the fall in vaccination uptake rates during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please find attached the measles action cards for healthcare settings. This informs staff of the symptoms to be aware of as well as the actions to be taken should a patient present with measles like symptoms.

The Health Publications website contains UKHSA measles resources for settings which can be downloaded and printed or ordered (usually for free). To access all of the available resources visit Publications – Health Publications.

The ‘If you think you’ve got measles call ahead’ poster can be printed here to be displayed in surgeries, or if you would like this to be posted to you please contact the Public Health Resource Centre This poster can also be shared on social media platforms and GP practice websites to raise public awareness of measles symptoms and actions.