Confed Connects – Upcoming Sessions

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Leeds Sexual Health Changes – 3rd July, 13:00

Leeds Sexual Health (LSH) is changing from 1st July. As part of a new contract commissioned by Leeds City Council, Leeds Sexual Health has been completely redesigned to better serve the needs of the Leeds population and expand access.

This includes an improved Long Acting and Reversible Contraception (LARC) service. Supported by the partnership with Leeds GP Confederation, LARC will be accessible at more sites and during the evenings and weekends.

This session will inform you on changes and updates to the service, including:

  • Changes to LSH locations, including LARC delivery sites within primary care
  • LARC Local Enhanced Services (LES) contract
  • Maximising patient choice for LARC and the Between Practice Referral Service
  • Q&A section

Speakers will be Amanda Hammond, Operational Head of Service for Leeds Sexual Health and Clinical Consultant (TBC).

Click here to join the meeting