Team Leeds Survey

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The Team Leeds Hearts & Minds Programme have devised a short Team Leeds survey to get your views on how effectively we are able to work together across organisations to support the people of Leeds. The short Team Leeds survey is for everyone who works to support or deliver health and care within Leeds.  (It takes 2 mins to complete).

I would encourage you to circulate and promote this short survey throughout your extensive networks. If people don’t receive it they will miss the opportunity to contribute.

It would be great to engage as many of our diverse workforce as possible; health and care professionals, medics, administrators, technicians, volunteers, students, and the hundreds of other incredible people who dedicate themselves to improving the health and wellbeing of the people of Leeds. Please help us to include all team members, whether on site or working from home, and don’t forget to complete your survey too!

The survey is open for 4 weeks; deadline date Monday 18th July 2022.