Primary care briefing, TARGET and hosting changes

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As part of the CCG’s transition to the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board on 1 July, the communications team have been working with primary care and other colleagues to review existing CCG communications channels, including the website, extranets, and briefings, and put in place arrangements for our new organisation.

From 1 July, the existing CCG website will be archived, though available to view for six months, and a new website will be launched. The new website will be for the whole of the Leeds Health and Care Partnership and will be aimed at the general public.  Due to the nature of the new website, as well as additional requirements relating to accessibility legislation, it will no longer be appropriate to use it to store resources meant for internal audiences. As a result, information linked to the primary care briefing and TARGET events will not be held on the new website. For TARGET online materials we are looking into options for an alternative platform. Please note that the online materials for TARGET on 23 & 28 June and 7 July will be available via the usual page:

The primary care briefing will continue to be emailed out in a newly branded form reflecting the new identity but will no longer be archived on the website. Linked information will be stored separately and should be easily accessible, but we’ll also be increasing our use of the primary care extranet, as we did pre-pandemic. Please make sure you have a primary care extranet login. To request a login please email: Once you have logged in for the first time, you can save your password, so it automatically logs you in on future visits.